Health & Human Body

Dental X-Rays

Learn the importance of taking care of your teeth! Good dental hygiene doesn’t stop with the tooth brush. Our dental x-rays p...

Broken Bones X-Rays

Real x-rays of broken bones reveal a detailed look at common breaks to a variety of human bones. Holding the x-rays up to the...

Anatomy Models, Heart

Students manipulate the inner workings of the human body as they build the models, gaining a deeper understanding of how orga...

Anatomy Models, Brain

Students can look inside their own heads with this realistic model.Features cerebellum, frontal, parietal, temporal and occip...

Anatomy Fluxx®

The ever-changing card game�of space exploration!If you've ever dreamt of being an astronaut, Astronomy Fluxx is for you! Thi...

Amazing Inside

Large, plush, soft, bright and cute looking monster with wide open mouth that acts like a storage pouch where children can ha...